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Friday, August 13, 2010


By Chitranjan Sawant
May I advise our American friends to WAKE UP please. It is still not too late to act. Hold a mass protest rally and oppose the coming up of an Islamic Centre just two blocks away from where the Twin Towers stood once upon a time. The symbol of American economy was destroyed by the followers of Osama bin-Laden, the leading terrorist and fugitive from law who is hiding in Pakistan.
Pakistan is a nursery of Islamic terrorism. Their economy has been given oxygen by pouring in US dollars by the Obama Administration. The latter is out and out anti-American and pro-Islamist terror. Their talk of reaching out to the Islamic Arab world is nothing but a facade for promoting Muslims since Obama's father is a practising Muslim.
Wherever the Muslim armies went, they carried death and destruction in their wake. Muslim armies burnt down the great university at Nalanda in India where precious books and manuscripts were lost. The Buddhist literature burnt by Muslim invaders is a loss of entire humanity minus the supporters of terrorism.
There was an august temple at the birth place of Maryada Purshottam Shri Ram, a great leader of men who always had the good of human beings at heart. The invading army of Babur, the first Moghul in India who came from Central Asia, under the misguided leadership of Mir Baqi destroyed the Ram Janmabhoomi temple completely and raised a mosque there as a symbol of victory for Islam.
Americans! beware! Time is not far off when descendants of Babur, blided by a violent religion, will claim the proposed Islamic Centre near Ground Zero as a victory of Islam over Christianity. No self-respecting American Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh or followers of other democratic faiths will succumb to the Mayoral pressure and let this non-sense go on. For God's sake, oppose this Satanic move, blessed by Bloomberg, tooth and nail. If the devilish design succeeds, it will sound a death knell to the freedom of thought and expression enshrined in the American constitution.
Americans! Do you want your secular laws to be thrown to winds? Do you want the Islamic laws, called Sharia, to govern some diehard Muslim citizens of America? It will be a ruin of all values you hold sacred. Please do not let this happen.
Yogeshwar Shri Krishna, a great unifier of mankind and a great leader who spread love through playing his flute, is no stranger to you. The temple built in Mathura, India at Krishna's birthplace was razed to ground by a bigoted Muslim king of Delhi named Aurangzeb. He had a mosque built there to glorify the blood-spilling religion called Islam. I am mentioning this to prove from pages of recorded history that it is a tradition with Muslims to destroy the culture and religion of other people and build their own Islamic cultural centres and places of worship, mosques there. The blood-thirsty people are doing precisely the same thing in New York. It would be in order to stop this devilish design as early as possible by harnessing all constitutional means available to citizens of a free and democratic country.
American citizens! Please remember that you are answerable not only to yourself but to God and your children and children’s children. When the posterity comes to know that it was on the ashes of dutiful Americans who had perished as Firemen, as police officers as citizens at their desk of duty that an Islamic Centre has been built, what would they think of this generation, their forbears. The young men and women of future would feel ashamed of themselves that their ancestors, that is we –men and women of this generation, were spineless fellows. We did not have the moral courage to stand up and be counted as men and women who did not let the sacrifice of the 3,000 Americans go waste. Let that sad moment not come in the life of our posterity when they feel ashamed of us. We must protest as one man, let the nation arise, awake and stop this nonsensical construction that the liberals support foolishly as the constitutional right of the minorities.
Please remember, you peaceniks, the murderers have no constitutional rights. The Islamist terrorists crashed their planes into the Twin Towers and murdered in cold blood 3000 men and women. Americans! Have moral courage to stop this jugglery of words of letting Muslims buy American property with Arab petro-dollars to destroy the cultural and religious fabric of Christian America. Protect, Preserve and defend the Faith that you and I have been raised. Building of a mosque near Ground Zero is like an Alien invasion that we must defeat with all our might.
Protest, Protest and Protest. Take out processions displaying placards opposing the Satanic plans of some misguided citizens to build a mosque over the sad memories of martyrs, the firemen who perished doing their duty. When the Muezzin gives a call to the Islamist terrorists around to assemble and plan to execute another 9/11 in America, will a law abiding citizen respond? Bloomberg has made you burn your boats and you will have no defence in depth. So, the best course of action open to the living Americans is not to let Islamist terrorist movement gain ground in America and the rest of the free world.
Let the free democratic world unite and face this challenge squarely. Please make up your mind NOT to vote for the traitors who are bartering their independence, won by our ancestors, for some worldly gains. Please bring into power those men and women who vouch to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the country and the Great faith we have been professing peacefully .
Islam may mean Submission but the followers practise Aggression. Let us defeat the aggressive designs of traitors to the country by exerting our superior spiritual powers too. The Vedas, most ancient scriptures in the library of Man exhort the Believers to crush the aggressors with VAJRA – a sure shot weapon. At the same time the Vedic Thought exhorts the Believers to bring in equanimity of mind, come rain come shine. Let us chant AUM SHANTIH SHANTIH SHANTIH –PEACE, PEACE PEACE – LET PEACE PREVAIL ALL OVER after the aggressors have been eliminated. AUM.

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