Friday, September 16, 2011
By Chitranjan Sawant
The high and mighty are beyond reproach. However, the life of a public figure is like an open book, and any citizen can read any page. I sympathise with Shri Omar Abdullah and Smt Payal Nath, husband and wife, for the marital predicament that they are in at the moment. I wish the couple come out of this difficult situation of marital separation and live together as husband and wife once again. They will be bringing up their two sons better as parents. Separation means the children will be brought up by a single parent, perhaps the mother, and it may cause an impediment in the development of a well rounded personality of the two boys. The heart of an impartial observer bleeds for the boys.
There is no use of going into the reasons that caused this separation. Now it has to be accepted as a fait accompali. Shri Omar did well to clarify his position that he is not contemplating to tie the nuptial knot again. The two young ladies, one of the Delhi media world and the other of a political family of the Kashmir valley were dragged into this quagmire unnecessarily. We should take Omar's word for it that he is not contemplating to make anyone of the two charming young ladies his bride. let us leave it at that.
I shall be failing in my duty if I do not counsel the separated couple to take the unpleasant break up in the normal stride of life. They should not avoid seeing each other but make it a point to meet at a public place along with their two sons for the sake of sons' smooth life in future.
It is nice of Shri Omar Abdullah to reassure the citizens of India that while he went through the trials and tribulations of this pre-separation period, he did not let the State of J&K suffer or feel ignored by its own Chief Minister. The affairs of State take precedence over private matters, no matter how sad the latter may be. Their marriage was on the rocks-this perception was shared by the high and the low both. It was talk of the town and was doing damage to both the families; of the husband and that of the wife.
A gossip is a gossip and gossip mongers are there in all strata of the society. Gossip mongers flourish because men and women who are well provided for but have ample time at their disposal, find rumour mongering an engaging pastime. It keeps the rumour mongers in circulation and many a time he earns a meal at the table of the rich who have ample time to while away. A popular saying in Hindi runs thus: “per ninda param sukham” that is berating others and indulging in character assassination of the known and the unknown gives the wily critic joy unbound. A word of caution before one entertains the remotest idea of getting a free lunch by rumour mongering and character assassination. Firstly, there is no free lunch in this world. One pays for it directly or indirectly. Secondly, the rumour mongers are looked down upon in a civilised society. Their presence in civil society is not welcome. Many wily persons entertain them but such occasions are few and far between.
Returning to Omar and Payal, we find that Payal has maintained a lady like silence so far. Perhaps her culture of thousands of years inherited from generation to generation forbids her to wash her dirty linen in public. This washing causes pain to the members of the inner circle and gives no joy to the cultured elements in the social order. A Hindi couplet sums up pain and silence in a situation like this :
Rahiman nij man ki vyatha man hi rakho goye; sun ithalaiyen sabau, baant na lehiyen koe.
Abdur Rahim Khanekhanan of Emperor Akbar’s court said that it would be wise to keep your vexing problem inside yourself. If you narrate to others, listeners will make fun of you and enjoy at your cost; none will share your predicament.
As a citizen of India I share the sadness of Omar and Payal and advise them to keep the marital anguish to themselves lest the world laughs at you and shares not your personal pain.
UPVAN 609, Sector 29, NOIDA-201303, INDIA. Mobile : 9811173590.
Email: or
Thursday, September 15, 2011
By Brigadier Chitranjan Sawant,VSM
The Vedic world knows him as Pundit Lekh Ram, Arya Musafir. Once he made up his mind that the Vedic Dharm was the first and the last word to guide human behaviour from A to Z, there was no going back on it. He was a man of determination and possessed perseverance. Once the goal was set, he left no stone unturned to reach there. He was a clear headed man who knew how to determine what the aim was and once the aim was set, maintenance of aim was no problem to him. There was no deviation from the aim and it had to be achieved, come what may. Of course, he had to tread on the toes of others but he did not mind it. If others did, he would say – I don’t care. Pt Lekh Ram had a many-faceted personality but the overriding element was principles, precepts and preaching of the Vedas based Dharma as propounded by Maharishi Swami Dayanand Saraswati, the great religious and social reformer of the 19th century India.
Born in 1858 in Saidpur in district Jhelum, now in Pakistan, he inherited knowledge of languages and the unparalleled spirit of “Giving” and not Grabbing from the soil and tradition of the village. Just to quote one example, Lala Dewan Chand, the great Arya philanthropist and martyred freedom fighter, Khushiram Ji were also born and brought up in Saidpur. Pt Lekh ram was initially named as Lekh Raj but later in his writings he preferred the name Lekh Ram.
Pt Lekh Ram had had a taste of various sects of Hinduism and teachings of Guru Nanak Dev until he found his moorings in the teachings of the Vedic Dharm after he have had a number of meetings with Swami Dayanand Saraswati at Ajmer on 17 May 1881. Under a false notion, Lekh Ram Ji used to consider himself as Brahm but after a meaningful exchange of views with Swami Dayanand Saraswati, he became a votary of the Vedic Trinity. Now he knew that he was a Jeevatma and Parmatma as well as prakriti were separate and different entities.
This meeting between Rishivar and Punditji was of great significance to the Arya Samaj. The Arya Samaj got a committed writer of Life of Dayanand Saraswati, his life and thought based on interviews with people who had met the great reformer. Pundit Lekh Ram had started his mission of collection of authentic material to write the biography of Rishivar on 11 December 1888, five years after the Rishi’s untimely and sad demise. Pt Lekh Ram took great care that fact and fiction did not intermingle and finally gave the Arya Samaj a biography of its founder that is par excellence. It was a biography based on interviews recorded at the spot where events had taken place. Obviously, Pt Lekh Ram travelled a lot all over the place where Swami Dayanand had gone, lectured, written his memorable treatises and faced worldly problems generated by jealousy, superstitions and miscalculations.
In the scheme of collection of facts and holding interviews, Pt Lekh Ram did not ignore his mission of teaching and preaching tenets of the Vedic Dharm. He did a fine balancing act between writing of biography and delivering of Vedic sermons. The latter was done at his own cost lest the Arya Pratinidhi Sabha, Lahore took it as an infringement of its financial guidelines. Pandit Ji chose to forego the Dakshina for the period he was not collecting facts for the biography and delivering sermons instead.
Another facet of Pandit Ji’s personality emerged during these extensive travels. He became a consummate writer of Travelogues in the Urdu language, possibly the first one. The essays on travel were published under the caption “Safarnama”. Sadly, not much has survived of that unique piece of literature. Here I am reminded of Lord Francis Bacon, the famous essayist of the English language, who wrote a line “Travel makes a man perfect”, and this perfection could be discerned in the travels and writings of Pt Lekh Ram.
Pt Lekh Ram had a close relationship with Peshawar, the capital city of the North-Western Frontier Province NWFP). He was posted there as a sergeant in the Police Dept but did not let his profession interfere with his Vedic Dharm. When things came to a pass, he preferred to resign from the government service rather than let the profession have better of him. As an Arya Samajist he did not let low cast men be looked down upon. Once when he was posted in a police station where the Station House Officer was a Muslim Pathan and an orderly was a Mazahabi Sikh (of low caste), he made it a point to shake hands with him to obliterate casteism. This used to happen much to the chagrin of the Thanedar Saheb who was a great believer in his high caste. Pandit Ji used to do Namaste to others as he believed in the Aryan way of greetings. However, soon the dept and the Vedic missionary parted ways when he hung up his police uniform for good. It may, however, be mentioned that while in the police service he published and edited a weekly named, Dharmopadesh. Later he was the editor of Arya Gazette that carved a niche in the world of journalism. While collecting material for Swami Ji’s biography, he published a timely weekly called Arya Vijay.
Pt Lekh Ram was always available to the new generation for advice and guidance. ‘TEHRIR AND TAQREER’, THAT IS WRITING AND DELIVERING SERMONS MUST NEVER CEASE – that was his counselling to all Arya Samajists. Indeed writing new articles or books meant an intensive study of the subject and thus the preachers who deliver the sermon will be knowledgeable. It should be an ongoing process in this Arya Samaj movement so that the mission of Swami Dayanand Saraswati touches new heights day after day.
Pt Lekh Ram Ji used to do self study and also some writing whenever he got time off the work as a Vedic missionary. One late evening as he was busy writing, oil in the lamp was exhausted. Shops were closed. So he walked along the railway line to the Kothi of Mahatma Munshi Ram as enough light was available in his Dewankhana. Thus he achieved the intended target of writing for that evening. Man with a mission knew how to achieve the aim surmounting problems, both major and minor.
Pt Lekh Ram was the moving spirit behind the Arya Samaj, Peshawar, now in Pakistan. He collected funds to have an impressive building erected as the epicentre of the Ved prachar activities. The impressive Arya Samaj bhawan had a pride of place among religious institutions of Peshawar.
The city of Pathans, both Hindus and Muslims, had influenced the dress code of Pundit Lekh Ram. He would wear a tight pyjama, a shirt, a waist coat and a turban tied in the typical frontier style. While talking of dress code, I must make a mention of an incident in Jullundur. Pt Lekh Ram was staying with Mahatma Munshi Ram and the latter had started wearing a Dhoti by then as a pracharak. One day Pt Lekh Ram told him “Lalaji, you are an energetic man and a tireless worker of the Arya Samaj. It is a loose-fitting wear of the slovenly easterners and does not befit us”. Mahatma Munshi Ram just laughed it away. The writer of these lines is fond of tying a Dhoti as a pracharak, be it a visit to the Rashtrapati Bhawan, a travel to Tibet or addressing a gathering of cadets. My Indian dress earned me a new name, “Dhoti Wale Brigadier Saheb”. I am with Mahatma Munshi Ram on this point and not with Pundit lekh Ram. No disrespect meant to him; I revere him.
Pt Lekh Ram was always there where he was needed most. Whenever he heard that a Hindu or a group of Hindus were about to convert to Islam or Christianity, he would rush to that spot to convince them not to cross over. More often than not he was successful in his mission. It is said that once he was going on a similar mission to a mofussil town but entrained in an express train that did not stop there, so Punditji just leaped out of the train as it slowed a little at the platform. Although he was hurt but he reached his destination on time and his mission of retaining a group of Hindus in the family fold was a great success. The veracity of this story stands confirmed by independent sources of the time.
A major part of Pt Lekh Ram’s time and energy was spent in countering the Ahmedias and their Head, Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani, who were always out to attack the Hindus in general and the Arya Samajists in particular. In retrospect one may say that the Ahmedias who clashed with the Hindus on behalf of the Muslims, were not considered to be true Muslims. In Pakistan the Ahmediyas are listed as non-Muslims. What a shame for the Mirza, who deputed a man to assassinate Pt lekh Ram, to be called a non-Muslim. The Ahmedias are hounded out by Sunnis all over the place. And it was one of them who lived with Pt Lekh Ram and dined with him expressing a wish to be converted a Vedic Dharmi. The drama was staged by that wretched fellow for a few days and one night he surreptitiously plunged his long knife into his abdomen. Pt Lekh Ram became a martyr in the cause of the Vedic Dharm on 6 March1897 at a young age of 39 years. The Mirza unashamedly owned having plotted this heinous crime of murder in cold blood.
Lahore was shocked. The Hindus and Sikha mourned Pt Lekh Ram’s assassination in thousands. The Arya Samajists of all shades displayed a rare sense of unity at the cremation ground in Lahore. Lakshmi Devi Ji, the widow of Pt lekh Ram who had the bliss of marital life for just four years, took a pledge to continue working for the cause that her husband had died for. She donated the entire money of his life insurance to the cause of the Vedic Dharm. She made this sacrifice notwithstanding the advice of many well wishers like Mahatma Munshi Ram to save some money for a rainy day. She was so inspired by the martyrdom and Vedic ideals of her late husband that she wished to donate every paisa that she had and did so. Later, at one of the convocation ceremonies of the Gurukul Kangri, Haridwar , venerable Lakshmi Devi Ji donated all her gold and jewellery for the flagship of the Vedic Shiksha. Her sacrifice and the martyrdom of her husband bore fruits in various activities of the Arya Samaj and the Gurukul. Of the money donated by her, a Foundation for education of brilliant but poor students was established. We are proud to narrate that the first beneficiary of this munificence was a young boy from Saharanpur who was transformed into an illustrious Vedic scholar. The world knows him as Pt Budh Dev Ji Vedalankar, later known as Swami Samarpananand Ji.
Swami Shraddhanand Ji, among others, had paid glowing tribute to the martyred Pt Lekh Ram thus: He was a DHARMVIR AND A KARMVIR. Indeed a fearless fighter for the cause of the Vedic Dharm. He was a true believer in Param Pita Parmatma and the Lord loved him.
Pundit Lekh Ram is a torch bearer removing darkness for others. His martyrdom inspired other Aryas to follow into his footsteps. Swami Shraddhanand, Mahashay Rajpal and many others of the Hyderabad satyagrah attained martyrdom for the cause of the Vedic Dharm. Indeed they walked fearlessly on the path of martyrdom for the Vedic Dharm paved by Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati himself.
UPVAN 609, Sector 29, Noida – 201303. INDIA. Mobile : 0091-9811173590.
Email :
By Chitranjan Sawant
You and I have no choice of diseases to contract to quit this world. Our mind and heart will pick and choose and decide for you. If you gave wrong signals to HEART, you are bound to get wrong food on despicable tray. Formerly human beings contracted sexually transmitted diseases owing to promiscuity. Sharing the bed with more than one female and vice-versa was considered fashionable and also an outward proof of virility. Men and women; mostly men floated the self made theory that Man is polygamous by nature and it is the Hindu Dharma or Christianity that enforces monogamy. Islam promotes polygamy but their followers are as sex starved as anyone else.
When sexually transmitted diseases started taking a heavy toll of human beings, it was decided to make polygamy a social taboo for one and all irrespective of personal faith. Both men and women were advised to have only one sex-partner and bid pluralism adieu. The moralists in society succeeded in controlling the sexually transmitted diseases taking a heavy human toll.
"Forget about Domani, Domani never comes." It was a film song that hit the top level of popularity. Even those who knew no English, hummed the tune of this English cum Italian song. When the ball dances gained in public acclaim, even greenhorns in dancing made a debut on public stage too. Liberalisation in smoking, eating, drinking and dancing brought in its wake new diseases.
From time immemorial Heart has been associated with Love, or lack of it. The jilted lovers thought that heart had been given undue credit for Love and Loveless, the faculties and functions it knows nothing about. However, studies in how to have a healthy heart and how to counter or get over new fangled heart diseases increased many fold. Admittedly Heart pumps blood to all limbs of the body but it also needs blood for its own functioning. The new phenomenon of over smoking and eating fat rich diet without doing any exercise led to clogging of arteries and caused breathlessness or a feeling of tiredness. It led to bypass surgery and in difficult cases even open heart surgery had to be performed. Likewise over smoking and lack of physical exercise coupled with rich food containing lot of fats led to lung diseases and cardio-vascular problems that required urgent solutions. Of course, the main culprit for making lungs sick is smoking of tobacco in one form or the other.
Heart surgery or taking a peep into lungs that were a cause of ill health led to fatal results at times. Before the advancement of cardio diagnosis and treatment, there were many a cardiac arrests on the operation table. Sometimes in simple procedures like angio-plasty or ballooning, an artery might be punctured with the needle inserted to clear the way for blood circulation in arteries that supply blood to Heart for its own functioning. In some cases patients died of profuse bleeding right on the operation table. Such incidents put fear in hearts and minds of prospective money bags of the hospitals and they refrained from going on the operation table. The pre-procedure nursing staff tries to counsel the patient just before the surgical procedure begins. How far will she succeed, one cannot say for sure at this point of time.
Mending lungs led to a total collapse of lungs at times. It is perhaps human nature to avoid going to a hospital and consulting a surgeon as far as possible. Thus the heart and lung diseases take a heavy toll of lives of human beings who prefer to sit at home and avoid a clinic or a hospital.
Moral of the story is: it is your heart; it is your lung and if you do not take care of them who else will. The answer is, None, my lord, none. Every human being wishes to live and live long. Those who wish to live long must take precautions and observe some simple directions on intake of food, doing light exercises and warding off the youth killer called Depression.
Eat simple food, do light exercises and laugh a lot. Boys and girls in impressionable period of life may be encouraged to take even professional counselling on coming out of that state of depression. It would be in the interest of boys and girls going through a phase of depression NOT to lie, sit or sleep alone. Having said that, let me add that every student should have at least a couple of friends who would lend their shoulders to the student in depression to keep his head there and cry as much as he or she wished to. This will lighten pressure on his heart and mind and also know for sure that he has friends who would turn up and help him solve the problem and thus ward of the imminent crisis.
Self-motivation to live long, live a healthy life and pass on the baton to the new generation will always show a person light at the end of the tunnel. If one falls on bad days and has health problems, tell yourself: every cloud has a silver lining. This too shall pass. Sharing a personal experience with our readers I may say that making a suggestion to myself has helped me in more ways than one. I pray “jeevem sharadah shatam”or saying it in English “May God guide me to be a Centenarian.” The same Veda mantra further says that the long life must be a healthy life where one is on one’s own and never dependant on others mentally, physically, financially or spiritually.
UPVAN 609, Sector 29, Noida -201303 INDIA. Mobile: 9811173590.
Email: or
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
By Chitranjan Sawant
Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, was indeed the uncrowned king from 1947 to 1964 when he breathed his last. With a view to preventing cockroaches from roaming all over the place, the cook chose to put in a couple of hours beyond the normal schedule and earned the appreciation of one and all. Both the servants and the master knew that the said time curfew won’t last long. How right they were. That night the top bureaucrat of the district did not eat at home and not in his office either. A man of yester years, he did not have any plans to march to the District Magistrate’s office to record his protest at the rampant corruption in the country.
VK Krishna Menon was Nehru’s bum chum. During the first shooting war between India and Pakistan from 27th October 1947 to 1st January 1949, a large number of jeeps were required for the Indian Army. VK KrishnaMenon, our High Commissioner in the UK was entrusted with the job of making purchases at reasonable rates. The trusted friend of Nehru’s bought old jeeps and paid price of brand new ones. This transaction was the mother of corruption in making purchases for the Armed Forces. There was tremendous criticism of the deal. To defend his friend of long standing, Nehru, the tallest of the tall politicians misused his position and power and rode roughshod over all adverse observations. It left a bad taste in the mouth of the people of India but Nehru moved on unconcerned.
Sardar Pratap Singh Kairon was the powerful but corrupt chief minister of the Punjab. There was hardly major monetary transaction wherein he or his sons did not make large amounts of money, to be precise it was slush money. Complaints of corruption against Kairon landed on Nehru’s table every now and then. For friendship’s sake, Nehru ignored them until senior cabinet ministers forced his hands. Kairon was eased out but it was too little and too late. He paid with his life as some aggrieved persons shot him dead on the highway. Corruption cases of Nehru’s friend lingered in public memory for a long time and gave him a bad name.
Lal Bahadur Shastri succeeded Nehru and brought a refreshing change. He was honest to a fault. Shastri Ji and his large family lived within honest means, never chased money nor tried to be one up with the Jones’s. His life was a landmark of transparency. Under his leadership India fought a war with Pakistanin1965 and won. Shastri Ji evolved a new military doctrine of attacking the enemy where he is weak even after crossing the internal borders in the Punjab. India was victorious and the credit goes to Shastri Ji, the Honest Prime Minister. After a long time honesty had replaced dishonesty in the corridors of power. He had procured military equipment in large numbers and the entire deal was done honestly.
Indira Gandhi made a debut like a dumb doll. However, her roar was heard across the seven seas. As stated before, she dismembered Pakistan and made the enemy troops,93,000 of them, surrender. Indira Ji relied on her staff tremendously. Corruption was reborn. Purchases of weapon system, equipment and clothing were made. A lot of money changed hands under the table. It was her personal staff that became rich and richer with sleaze money. Admittedly, she was not involved in small deals but when the deal was a much bigger one than expected, even she was not above suspicion. I must hasten to add that by and large the people loved her. The only stigma was that of imposing Emergency which she could not play down.
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. When there was no one to challange the action or inaction of the govt, he or she was shown the exit door of the office and the entrance door of the Tihar Jail. The life in jail was tough and imprisonment rigorous. It is said that the Jail surpassed the Police dept in indulging into corruption.
Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her own security guards who were Sikhs and wished to avenge the sacrilege of their Golden Temple in Operation Blue Star to flush out fugitives like Bindrawale or a retired major general.
Rajiv Gandhi came to power with a lot of hopes for making India great. Unfortunately corruption had the better of him and her in-laws and other relatives of Sonia Gandhi had almost made a fiefdom of India. Sonia’s friend, Quattrochi had a free access to wherever he wished to go or whatever he wished to do. Corruption in the purchase of the Bofors howitzer for the Army saw a lot of money changing hands under the table. However, compared with the sleaze money that a former minister, A Raja made in selling Spectrum and airwaves, the 64 crores of Bofors notoriety that the middle men and Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi made pales into insignificance. Rajiv Gandhi got a bad name but not much money.
The Narsimha Rao govt was considered weak. In any case at one stage, the govt canvassers fanned out buying votes for cash. This was a new form of Parliamentary corruption that India, nay the world witnessed. It was done with military precision. Atal BehariVajpayee led Opposition left no stone unturned but lost to the new-fangled parliamentary corruption. The notorious name given to it is VOTES FORCASH. Legal cases against corruption on floor of the House were filed and one against Amar Singh,MP is still going on. The new form of corruption and its new name have gone into books of history and do not do us proud. For that matter, corruption and cash changing hands as sleaze money have always been looked down upon as infra dig.
The motto of the Indian Air Force is:TOUCHING THE SKY WITH GLORY. The corrupt Indian ministers and members of the Parliament have a new motto in making money under the table. It is: even sky is not the limit. Ministers like A. Raja of the Telecom dept or Chairman of the Organising Committee of the Commonwealth Games, Suresh Kalmadi, MP allegedly made so much money that even a Maths wizard will fail in counting. Fortunately forthe country both Raja and Kalmadi, not forgetting Karunanidhi’s daughter Kanimozhi are behind bars in the Tihar jail.
The story of LaluYadav’s Fodder scam, Mayawati’s creation of wealth disproportionate to known sources of income, Rahul Gandhi’s inability to make an impact in politics because of his involvement in cash deals and so on are stories that come out of closet from time to time. Be that as it may, India that is Bharat is now notorious for corruption, black money and stashing it in foreign banks. Unfortunately, there is no sincere or serious attempt to get the Indian money, black and white, back in India. Even the Prime Minister whines and whimpers but never roars, despite being a Singh, to overawe the corrupt men and women. Their sin is beyond redemption.
UPVAN 609, Aector 29, Noida-201303, INDIA.Mobile: 9811173590.
Email: and
By Chitranjan Sawant
Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, was indeed the uncrowned king from 1947 to 1964 when he breathed his last. With a view to preventing cockroaches from roaming all over the place, the cook chose to put in a couple of hours beyond the normal schedule and earned the appreciation of one and all. Both the servants and the master knew that the said time curfew won’t last long. How right they were. That night the top bureaucrat of the district did not eat at home and not in his office either. A man of yester years, he did not have any plans to march to the District Magistrate’s office to record his protest at the rampant corruption in the country.
VK Krishna Menon was Nehru’s bum chum. During the first shooting war between India and Pakistan from 27th October 1947 to 1st January 1949, a large number of jeeps were required for the Indian Army. VK KrishnaMenon, our High Commissioner in the UK was entrusted with the job of making purchases at reasonable rates. The trusted friend of Nehru’s bought old jeeps and paid price of brand new ones. This transaction was the mother of corruption in making purchases for the Armed Forces. There was tremendous criticism of the deal. To defend his friend of long standing, Nehru, the tallest of the tall politicians misused his position and power and rode roughshod over all adverse observations. It left a bad taste in the mouth of the people of India but Nehru moved on unconcerned.
Sardar Pratap Singh Kairon was the powerful but corrupt chief minister of the Punjab. There was hardly major monetary transaction wherein he or his sons did not make large amounts of money, to be precise it was slush money. Complaints of corruption against Kairon landed on Nehru’s table every now and then. For friendship’s sake, Nehru ignored them until senior cabinet ministers forced his hands. Kairon was eased out but it was too little and too late. He paid with his life as some aggrieved persons shot him dead on the highway. Corruption cases of Nehru’s friend lingered in public memory for a long time and gave him a bad name.
Lal Bahadur Shastri succeeded Nehru and brought a refreshing change. He was honest to a fault. Shastri Ji and his large family lived within honest means, never chased money nor tried to be one up with the Jones’s. His life was a landmark of transparency. Under his leadership India fought a war with Pakistanin1965 and won. Shastri Ji evolved a new military doctrine of attacking the enemy where he is weak even after crossing the internal borders in the Punjab. India was victorious and the credit goes to Shastri Ji, the Honest Prime Minister. After a long time honesty had replaced dishonesty in the corridors of power. He had procured military equipment in large numbers and the entire deal was done honestly.
Indira Gandhi made a debut like a dumb doll. However, her roar was heard across the seven seas. As stated before, she dismembered Pakistan and made the enemy troops,93,000 of them, surrender. Indira Ji relied on her staff tremendously. Corruption was reborn. Purchases of weapon system, equipment and clothing were made. A lot of money changed hands under the table. It was her personal staff that became rich and richer with sleaze money. Admittedly, she was not involved in small deals but when the deal was a much bigger one than expected, even she was not above suspicion. I must hasten to add that by and large the people loved her. The only stigma was that of imposing Emergency which she could not play down.
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. When there was no one to challange the action or inaction of the govt, he or she was shown the exit door of the office and the entrance door of the Tihar Jail. The life in jail was tough and imprisonment rigorous. It is said that the Jail surpassed the Police dept in indulging into corruption.
Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her own security guards who were Sikhs and wished to avenge the sacrilege of their Golden Temple in Operation Blue Star to flush out fugitives like Bindrawale or a retired major general.
Rajiv Gandhi came to power with a lot of hopes for making India great. Unfortunately corruption had the better of him and her in-laws and other relatives of Sonia Gandhi had almost made a fiefdom of India. Sonia’s friend, Quattrochi had a free access to wherever he wished to go or whatever he wished to do. Corruption in the purchase of the Bofors howitzer for the Army saw a lot of money changing hands under the table. However, compared with the sleaze money that a former minister, A Raja made in selling Spectrum and airwaves, the 64 crores of Bofors notoriety that the middle men and Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi made pales into insignificance. Rajiv Gandhi got a bad name but not much money.
The Narsimha Rao govt was considered weak. In any case at one stage, the govt canvassers fanned out buying votes for cash. This was a new form of Parliamentary corruption that India, nay the world witnessed. It was done with military precision. Atal BehariVajpayee led Opposition left no stone unturned but lost to the new-fangled parliamentary corruption. The notorious name given to it is VOTES FORCASH. Legal cases against corruption on floor of the House were filed and one against Amar Singh,MP is still going on. The new form of corruption and its new name have gone into books of history and do not do us proud. For that matter, corruption and cash changing hands as sleaze money have always been looked down upon as infra dig.
The motto of the Indian Air Force is:TOUCHING THE SKY WITH GLORY. The corrupt Indian ministers and members of the Parliament have a new motto in making money under the table. It is: even sky is not the limit. Ministers like A. Raja of the Telecom dept or Chairman of the Organising Committee of the Commonwealth Games, Suresh Kalmadi, MP allegedly made so much money that even a Maths wizard will fail in counting. Fortunately forthe country both Raja and Kalmadi, not forgetting Karunanidhi’s daughter Kanimozhi are behind bars in the Tihar jail.
The story of LaluYadav’s Fodder scam, Mayawati’s creation of wealth disproportionate to known sources of income, Rahul Gandhi’s inability to make an impact in politics because of his involvement in cash deals and so on are stories that come out of closet from time to time. Be that as it may, India that is Bharat is now notorious for corruption, black money and stashing it in foreign banks. Unfortunately, there is no sincere or serious attempt to get the Indian money, black and white, back in India. Even the Prime Minister whines and whimpers but never roars, despite being a Singh, to overawe the corrupt men and women. Their sin is beyond redemption.
UPVAN 609, Aector 29, Noida-201303, INDIA.Mobile: 9811173590.
Email: and
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Weathering the Storm
Brigadier Chitranjan Sawant,VSM
LIVING-IN is a symptom of the pain inflicted on the society by the Preya marg today. A young man and a young woman share an apartment, share a bed and all that goes with it without getting married. Begetting a child is out of the question. Too much of a bother in bringing up a child. Just have fun and forget the rest. After me the deluge, so says the shirker. Of course, changing partners or having same sex partners is not a taboo to them. Is it a healthy practice? Will it give health and happiness? Who cares. The guardians of the society have to care, though. Otherwise there will be no difference in the lifestyle of humans and animals. Humans contract venereal diseases unlike animals. Humans get depression but animals don’t. A life breeding promiscuit
Get married and remain married – that is the answer. A misogamist may howl and balk at the suggestion of marriage but an average human being will definitely find solace and comfort in the institutio
from: Chitranjan Sawant
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