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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Weathering the Storm



Brigadier Chitranjan Sawant,VSM

LIVING-IN is a symptom of the pain inflicted on the society by the Preya marg today. A young man and a young woman share an apartment, share a bed and all that goes with it without getting married. Begetting a child is out of the question. Too much of a bother in bringing up a child. Just have fun and forget the rest. After me the deluge, so says the shirker. Of course, changing partners or having same sex partners is not a taboo to them. Is it a healthy practice? Will it give health and happiness? Who cares. The guardians of the society have to care, though. Otherwise there will be no difference in the lifestyle of humans and animals. Humans contract venereal diseases unlike animals. Humans get depression but animals don’t. A life breeding promiscuit­y promotes dreaded diseases like AIDS. Indeed, the Epicurean philosophy of life will endanger the human life itself. Where do we go from here?

Get married and remain married – that is the answer. A misogamist may howl and balk at the suggestion of marriage but an average human being will definitely find solace and comfort in the institutio­n of marriage. In a civilised society no husband will live in fear of his pretty wife being snatched away by a muscleman. The institutio­n of law and administra­tion of justice will come to his rescue in an emergent situation.

from: Chitranjan Sawant
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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