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Sunday, February 17, 2013


                                             By Brigadier Chitranjan Sawant,VSM

The sexual offences against women are on the rise, why? Because our legislators and administrators are busy amending the existing laws on the subject and making them punishable so that sentences to be handed down by courts of law mean a longer period of incarceration. The law makers have a notion, right or wrong, that it would be a deterrent and keep a potential rapist or a molester away from girls and single women when they are out in the street unprotected. Unfortunately, they ignore the most important point there.


The Vedic Thought, a sound base of our human society, and from where emanate human values, are indeed essential as a subject of study for adolescents so that they become human beings. A doubting Thomas may confront a Humanist at a corner in a dark alley and ask menacingly; aren’t we human beings? If we are not human beings, what are we? Why do you keep on teaching and preaching: let us be human beings. As it is, most of us are confused people. You, men of religion, are making confusion worse confounded by asking men and women to be human beings.
The Humanist or the Vedic preacher kept his cool and said calmly; my friend, you caught hold of my color, roughed me up and showere questions in a menacing manner. I could have followed suit but I did not do so. Something in my mind cautioned me: old boy, you are a human being and this kind of bullish behavior belongs to the animal kingdom t5hat lies in dark and deep abyss where the Sun never shines and its rays never penetrate. It is indeed Rakshas raj over there. Pray, tell me, how can a human being live and survive in that nocturnal world? We are human beings and our human values never flourished there. Let us withdraw from the Rakshas Raj and move over to the well lighted part of the existence so that we live like Human Beings as commanded by the Vedas and achieve what has been laid out for us in the Vedic injunction, MANURBHAV – BE A HUMAN BEING. The VEDAS enjoin on the humans  MANURBHAV and to achieve that goal we have to rise above the animal instincts and passions that degrade us, take away from us human values of life and leave us to obey our own animal instincts. Thus it is Eat, Drink, sleep, indulge in sexual gratification; live for the Self and not for the Society.
Once a man or a woman is well dined and treated to choicest wine, the person craves for passionate sex with no holds barred. The strong wine inside the head makes a man as sensuous as a devil or a she-devil. Gratification of sex, willy-nilly, becomes the be all and end all of life. It is here that sex and violence join hands, human values are thrown to winds and nothing in this world remains sacrosanct. Sexual intercourse with anyone anytime, irrespective of human relationship gains the upper hand to misguide minds of men transformed as Rakshasas. There is no control at all over thought and action. Committing sexual offences thereafter is just a natural corollary of the preceding action and reaction.


Mind is the Man. Let your mind be on the right track and let it guide your action, believe me when I say that you are not likely to go wrong anytime anywhere. When an individual has gained the mental strength through righteous action preceded by righteous thought, he or she will not succumb to sexual temptation, irrespective of the beauty, sensuous expression through words, signs or symbols, voluptuous body and ramp-like gait. One sided signal is not enough to persuade the other partner to have sex with anyone, anytime or anywhere. A man or a woman observing Brhmacharya that includes abstinence from sexual intercourse and intake of sensuous food and drink like red meat and alchohol, smoking or chewing tobacco, sprinkling of perfumes and talking with a kind of voice and mannerism that incites sexual instinct and encourages a man or a woman to go in for sexual activity of varied nature.
The syllabus made for modern system of education may be laying emphasis on grooming an officer, a bread-winner for the family but has little to say about making our finished product a complete man or a woman. There is little to learn by watching a senior teacher, a role model or the head master or head mistress discharging duties as a head of the institution. There is hardly any practical training or grooming to bring up the student as a future hwad of the family where he or she protect their children from molesters or rapists. The cases of close relatives or resident teachers casting an evil eye on the tender child under his charge are now growing by leaps and bounds. Anoushka Shankar, a daughter of Ravi Shankar the Sitar maestro has gone on record to say how , as a child, she was sexually abused by a male relative in whom her parents had implicit faith. It brings us to the point that parents have to be extra-vigilant in protecting their children from close relatives and friends who remain on the prowl to prey on innocent children.
The mother, the father and the Teacher form a triangle to educate, protect and groom a child of theirs. It is reiterated in the SHATPATH BRAHMAN, A COMMENTARY ON THE YAJURVEDA, WHEN IT SAYS:
Matriman, pitravan ,Acharyavan purusho Veda
And that places the responsibility for teaching, educating, protecting a child from sexual abuse etc on mother, father and the Guru.
Unfortunately, the coordination among these three is missing in the modern system of education and the child goes unprotected in the wide world where predators are out looking for a human prey both in day time and at night.


Prevention is better than cure. Vigilant parents and teachers will not let a potential molester go anywhere near a child. Watchful parents will take preventive steps to protect their adolescent children from going to late night parties unprotected and unescorted. Arrangements should be made to protect the children from vagabonds who are out at odd hours in uninhabited areas. Now new devices like chilly-spray and long nails have been marketed so that girls buy and keep them in the hand purse to use as a weapon of defence. It would be a good idea for the schools to teach and train both boys and girls in unarmed combat for self protection. Karate, judo, wrestling and method of raising an alarm to attract the attention of passers-by are some of the in-house protection methods that must be practiced.
Imparting knowledge of sexual abuse, methods of prevention or protection and an inkling into basic law that prevents women from being raped by unsocial and anti-national elements. A knowledge of sequence of rape activity will give girls self-confidence and they will not be stunned as and when the rapists start their illegal activities. A little knowledge of law, that is section 376 Indian Penal Code will give the victim confidence to resist because the social order and Law are on her side to protect her. Even anonymity is maintained so that the girl is not brought into disrepute.
The mental make up of men folk needs to undergo a tremendous change. The change has to be brought about on two fronts. The mental make up of potential rapists and molesters has to be changed by a brain-washing procedure. Later, a brainwash of the prospective bridegroom is also required so that he has no mental blockage in marrying a girl who was ravished by other men elsewhere. Let bygones be gone and look forward to living life anew and afresh. If the ravished girls are rehabilitated in the social order, the cases of post-rape fear will disappear. Moreover a rapist must never be considered a hero in society but must be looked down upon. This will decrease the number of sexual offenders in future.
Our social and religious reformers have a major role to play in changing the mindset of an average citizen. Both men and women should be encouraged to be bold, develop self-confidence and not to say DIE, just in case an untoward event takes place. Remember, there will be a bright and sunny morning again tomorrow, the night of gloom will be over and remember ISHWAR for protection and support. The future is bright, my friends.
Email : sawantchitranjan@yahoo.com        Mobile:  9811173590.

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